Notes on Being Yourself

I can’t say this is a result of lots of time on my hands, but it certainly is a result of some soul searching, which I have enjoyed deeply. My prayer for this post is that you find a little more of yourself though it, and shine a little brighter after it. Love you, my dearies.

Being yourself isn’t always easy, it is a mammoth sized task given how many obstacles we are constantly faced with to facilitate that process, but nonetheless, it’s the only thing in life that we’re truly meant to be doing. So let’s do it well!

Look How Far You’ve Come
My favourite line from the movie “Kung Fu Panda” is by Master Oogway. It says, “One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it”. And I find this to be tremendously true and have seen it come to life so often. Our real destiny comes intricately disguised in the world, and we can avoid it as much as we want, but the universe will find a way for us to explore it further. The more we run from it, the more it’ll track us down, in ways we can never expect. Sometimes our goals and our dreams don’t come to life the same way we’d wanted them to, but in the process we must honour the journey we’ve made so far, and go on to recognise what it’s taken to do that, even if we’re not where we hoped to be. And then we realise, that the journey, my friend, is not over yet. Surprises and opportunities await us at every step, and there are many more to go.

Tune In:
By tuning in, I mean tuning in at multiple levels and to multiple things. To begin with, we tune in, to ourselves, and find out what’s really going on. Not inside the chatter of our very intelligent minds, but inside the depths of our slightly more innocent hearts. And then listen to what it says more. And equally, look out for the signs of the universe- I have come to believe what the Masters have said all along: that we live in a conscious world that is constantly responding to us. And if we ask the right questions, combined with the right intent, we will certainly get a response. When you ask, “How may I be of service?”, it will show you exactly that. But equally, if you ask, “Why am I so undeserving?”, it will show you that too. So we must choose what we tune in to, wisely.

On Navigation and Discovery:
NOBODY, and I mean this when I say it- no single human being that has walked around on this planet, even the most evolved sages and saintliest saints, have come into the world with a guidebook on how things are going to play out for them and what they must do in order to survive and thrive. Upon taking a closer look at the stories of several people, I have begun to understand that there are literally no rules one follows in order to succeed in the Play of Life. The only thing we do have control over, however, is our intentions and our actions, and beyond that, all we can do is hope that things will turn out okay. At the end of the day, nobody knows what’s coming. The phrase “Wonders never cease”, is truly apt.

What’s Your Gift to the World?
Over the years, I have come to believe that the Universe is tremendously smart. I have observed that it really only rewards you when you are expressing your very own gift within its territory. When you really do follow the passion that lights you up, it equally ignites something great in the soul of the World too. When that happens, when We bring the Universe to Life, why wouldn’t the universe reward us for that? (And also, pro tip, when you do come from a place of giving, you will always find yourself rewarded hugely!)

Reflection, Reflection:
Now, reflection is a world that I’ve chosen very carefully and mean to use it in two ways. Firstly, at any given point in time, our world is a reflection of who we are from within. The second thing that I mean by reflection is that we have to constantly and undeniably reflect on our progress, as a whole and complete human being, and check whether we are living up to the standard that we have set for ourselves.

Owning Your Power:
None of us are invincible, and neither should we ever be in a position to flee from failure, no matter how smart we think we are. When we face defeat, we must recognise it for what it is, just defeat, and yet, understand that it is really not the end of anything. None of us are small and insignificant. Each of us are beings worthy of rising to the occasion when we have to, no matter what the occasion is. We do this, not by planning or plotting, or shunning away from what we’re faced with, but rather, by being honest to ourselves, by working hard, by praying, by being kind, by working on our strengths and weaknesses, in our own time, knowing that there is no hurry. But mostly, by not shying away from our on power. We really do have to own it.

What’s your Anchor?
When you’re down in the dumps, what is it that keeps you going? Where are the sacred spots in your life that remind you of YOURSELF?  Where do you get your inspiration from? Is it your loved ones, is it your lover, is it your pet, is it your past accomplishments? Is it faith in the Unknown, or the hope that a Higher Grace rules your life and won’t let you go astray? Your support system can sometimes be hugely helpful, but it can also be composed of people and things that keep you reminded of your past and limitations. Identify these anchors closely, they should be the ones that inspire Hope and Love and Acceptance. Sometimes they’ll also have issues understanding you and may criticise you more or less than you deserve, but more than anything, they should remind you of where you’re headed to. And once you do, keep them close.

Let that Imagination Run Wild:
Not only do I say this because in reaching for the impossible, you don’t really have anything to lose, but because our dreams are the only things that really give us a glimpse into our very own capacities that have to be developed and manifested in our lifetimes. There’s too much to look forward to, so don’t dwell on the past. Make every attempt to grow out of it. Because if you don’t, it will grow into you, and you’ll remain there.

The whole concept of nourishment is very close to my heart. It is one that I have only learnt about recently, and ever since, have paid close attention to. We have to make a constant and consistent effort towards nourishing: ourselves and those around us, and equally, be aware of who and where we are getting our nourishment from. There will also be times when we don’t get any nourishment, and aren’t able to nourish any further. Not everyone has the luxury of this, but you have to constantly keep your cup full. Only then can you aim to fill the rest. Nourish your faith in yourself, only then will it show up.

(This is the hardest one so far,) 

For me, personally, the hardest thing on my journey so far has been learning to inculcate patience. Evolution takes time. I’m learning this. I’m trying. But, I know it’s key.

(And then of course, there’s the most important one,) 

Because, at the end of the day, you’ve got to give it your best shot- being yourself. We are eternal beings in an eternal universe. There is much to look forward to. Fight, with yourself, and others. Rationalise, mostly in your own head. Forgive, always. Love, wholly, because what’s the point of saving it up? Let loose. Slip. Fall short. Rise. Shine. Slay. But whatever you do, you don’t lie to yourself, and never be afraid to be Who You Are. Cause, my dearies, we’re all so deeply and infinitely beautiful, and nothing should stop us from exploring that and expressing it, ever.


  1. Patience and Time are the enemies of man kind.
    It’s not difficult to control both.
    Your write up is as beautiful as you Mihika.


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